What kind of dental repair do you need? Tooth restorations therapies can be used to correct several oral ailments, regardless of how much damage they may have received. Everything from concealing tooth cracks with veneers to fully enclosing problematic teeth with dental crowns is safer and more effective than ever.
Listed below are some of the best procedures that are available to restore your smile:
- Dental crowns are incredible tooth restoration services used for concealing tooth abnormalities as they fully enclose the visible portion of teeth above the gum line for additional protection and aesthetic charm.
- Dental fillings are incredible tooth restoration services used if you have suffered tooth enamel loss to the point that cavities have formed in your teeth.
- Teeth whitening systems are incredible tooth restoration services used to remove deep stains and discolorations from your natural teeth for a bright, whiter smile.
- Dental veneers are incredible tooth restoration services that can effectively turn smiles into masterpieces by placing a thin, customizable layer of material onto the fronts of teeth.
Whichever restoration services you feel would best suit your needs, Dr. Kaveen and our team here at Portland Dental in our dentist office in Portland, Oregon are committed to providing you the treatment you require. We can be reached at (503) 221-8123. Our dental superheroes are here to help!
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