Teenagers can be at risk for a variety of tooth hazards that weaken their oral health, especially since this these years are a common time to play sports, receive orthodontic treatment and have the wisdom teeth come in. We are here to help our teenage patients enjoy healthy and beautiful smiles by preventing oral damage.
Proper oral health care habits are the key to protecting against harmful oral accidents that could cost your smile. Popular practices that put your smile at risk include piercing areas of the mouth and using tobacco and drugs. Avoiding these bad dental habits can help you have healthy and beautiful teeth for a lifetime unaffected by tooth damage.
Contact sports can very easily lead to mouth injuries and oral accidents if you aren’t wearing the proper safety gear. We highly recommend protecting your smile during practices and games by using sports mouth guards and face masks so that blunt dental trauma doesn’t result in a knocked-out tooth or fractured jaw.
Contact Portland Dental at (503) 221-8123 today if you have questions about caring for your oral health in Portland, Oregon, and would like to speak with our dentist. Dr. Kaveen Ranasinghe look forward to helping you have a beautiful smile!